Getting Started
Satosa allows you to collect user consent and acknowledgement for your legal documents (service agreements, terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc). You will be able to track your users' interactions with your documents, make revisions to your existing documents, and have a hosted document page which houses your documents' content for your users to view.
Creating your organization
When you're first getting started, you'll likely want to see if Satosa is a good fit for you.
We offer two types of environments: Live and Test.
Live Environment
Our live environment is production ready to start accepting interactions with your documents. However, you'll need to put a credit card on file before you can begin to use it.
Test Environment
Our test environments are perfect for trying Satosa out and to start integrating with our APIs. We limit the amount of interactions you can have with your documents, so it is not suitable to be used for production cases.
Creating your first document
When you create your organization, you will immediately be prompted to create your first document.
Let's start by clicking the Create Document button.
Document details and content
Give your document a name like "Terms and Conditions" and press Create Document to continue.
Now it's time to create your first revision. Populate the revision with the content of your document and press Preview to view your changes on the hosted document page. This is what your document will look like to your users.
Publishing your revision
If everything looks good, your can click the Publish button to commit your changes. Once you publish the revision, you cannot make any additional changes without creating a new revision. When you go to publish, you will be prompted to add a descripton of what changes were made. Since this was the first revision, we can say something like: "Initial draft of the terms and conditions."
Hosting your document
Now that we have our document in Satosa, let's link to it so that our users can read the terms and conditions from our website. When you click the Preview button from the document details, you will be taken to the same hosted page that your users will use to read the content of your document.
Here's what that link will look like:
Notice how it includes a revisionId
and returnUrl
For our use case, let's say we only want to show the latest version of the document and give the reader the option to return to the website when they're done. We'll simply remove the revisionId
and replace the returnUrl
with a link to our website.
Making a revision
Let's say we need to make a change to our document. To do this, we'll navigate back to the document details and press the Create New Revision button.
Now we have a new revision that we can edit, preview, and publish when we're satisfied with the changes. When we go to publish this revision, we will begin enforcing the latest version of this document to our users.
Collecting user interactions
Now that we have our document uploaded to Satosa and on display for our users, we want to collect acknowledgements from our users when they sign up for our service.
We offer several integrations that fit into your existing tech stack and workflows, or you can leverage our API directly.